National Small Business Week underway
Isabella Casillas Guzman, administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration announced that National Small Business Week: Building a Better America Through Entrepreneurship will run through May 1-7.
The virtual summit will acknowledge small businesses from across the country for their resilience, ingenuity, and creativity. It will also recognize SBA partners for their involvement in entrepreneurial development, disaster recovery, government contracting, financial development, and overall support for small businesses and entrepreneurship.
The SBA will co-host a free, four-day virtual summit from May 2 through May 5, along with SCORE, to honor the nation’s 32.5 million small businesses for their perseverance. This year’s summit will feature access to critical federal resources, educational workshops, and networking to help our nation’s entrepreneurs pivot and grow in the face of any challenge, seize new opportunities, and make sure the dream of starting a small business is in reach for every American.
The 2022 Small Business Persons of the Year award winners from each state, including the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, will be honored, and the SBA will announce the 2022 National Small Business Person of the Year from among the state winners represented.
In addition, NSBW recognitions and educational sessions will occur throughout each of the SBA’s 10 regions and 68 district offices. Details on the event registration and speaker information will be posted on